Tori HeddenAtomic Adjustments: Consistent Hierarchy in ContentThe two radio groups below have similar uses but disparate structure and content — the “none” option is in a different order, and the…Mar 29, 202250Mar 29, 202250
Tori HeddenAtomic Adjustments: Button State & ColorAvoid using gray for a button’s background-color unless it is disabled. Even if the gray is a brand or theme color, gray commonly…Mar 17, 2022511Mar 17, 2022511
Tori HeddenAtomic Adjustments: Gratuitous RedundancyUI improvements- in one minute or less.Feb 23, 202260Feb 23, 202260
Tori HeddenAtomic Adjustments: Confirmation MessagingColor alone can’t be relied on to communicate UI states due to contrast requirements. Let’s create alternatives for an example…Feb 22, 202242Feb 22, 202242